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How do I find my Mailbox?

To get to your inbox, click on "Mailbox“ in the navigation above. To be able to use this function, you must have activated your profile. Activation is completed by clicking on the activation link in the e-mail sent to you after you have registered. The activation e-mail will be sent to your specified e-mail address immediately after registration.

Questions about messages.

a) How do I get messages from other members? You must be registered in advance to receive messages from other members on Messages sent to you from other members will be saved in the 'Mailbox'. When you receive a new message on you'll be sent a notification via personal email.

b) How do I know if I have new messages? You can read new messages by clicking on the icons located next to your profile picture.

c) How can I read messages? To read your messages you must previously sign up for a premium membership.
How to read your messages: 1. Click on 'Mailbox', located the options available above.
2. On 'your messages', you'll see an overview of the users who have sent messages to you.
3. To read a message, click on a username and you'll find the messages are structured as a dialogue box.
4. To reply a message, click on the target username and the dialogue will be displayed.
5. Click on the textbox above, write the message and finally click on 'send'.

d) How can I send messages to other members? For sending messages to other members, you must have registered and become a premium member in advance. Feel free to answer every message you receive. As messages are displayed as a conversation between you and the other member, you'll need to click on the textbox located above the conversation, write your message, and then click on 'send'.

e) Can I block the receipt of messages?Yes. If you place the mouse cursor you'll find several buttons, including the 'forbidden sign' one: block user. If you don’t want to receive further messages from a member, click on this 'block' button. Now this member will no longer be able to send you kisses or messages. Under 'Blocked Users' you can also check which members are blocked from sending you messages or kisses.

Questions about kisses.

a) Why should I send kisses? Show other members you're interested in them by sending them a kiss. It is meant to be a small present or subtle way to let them know you're interested in them. Basically, a kiss is a message without a text. b) How can I send kisses? For sending kisses to other members you have to be previously logged in. You can send kisses by displaying other members' profile page, and clicking on the option 'Send a kiss', located under the profile picture. c) How can I notice if I got 'kissed'? If you receive a kiss from another member, you'll spot it on the dialogue box between you and such member within the Mailbox. Click through to reach your Mailbox, where you can see more information about the kiss(es).
d) How can I reply to a kiss?
You can answer back with either a message or another kiss. For answering with a message, click on the textbox above the conversation, write your message, and click on 'Send'. If you like it better with a kiss, click on the 'Kiss Back' button located under the kiss icon. e) Can I block kisses? Yes. Under every message / kiss there is a 'Block' button. You can also spot it by placing the mouse cursor on a user displayed on the mailbox, or on the conversation box. If you don’t want to receive further kisses or messages from a member, click on the 'Block' button. Now this member will no longer be able to send you kisses or messages. Under 'Blocked Users' you can display a list of members that are blocked from sending you messages or kisses. Note in this overview you also have the option to unblock members.

How can I become a Premium Member?

To become a premium member simply click the "Become a Premium Member" button on the overview page and follow the available instructions. Also you can use Mailbox if you want to read or reply to a message.

A woman wrote me a message regarding money. What can I do?

Unfortunately it is always possible that such profiles occasionally slip through quality control. If you encounter a profile with a commercial purpose, please report it to our Customer Service Team (Hotline: 00800-99-99-99-00 or [email protected]) or via our contact form to report the violation. The profile will then be removed from our database as soon as possible.

Is it possible to disable emails and newsletters?

You can decide for yourself if you want to receive newsletters and emails from Under "My Account" in the navigation above you can change your newsletter and email settings.

Can I stop receiving messages?

Yes. If you place the mouse cursor on a user at the 'your messages' menu, you'll find several buttons, including the 'forbidden sign' one: block user. If you don’t want to receive further messages from a member, click the “block” button. Now this member will no longer be able to send you kisses or messages. Under “Blocked Users” you can see which members are blocked from sending you messages or kisses.